Friendly contests becoming part of the Twin Lakes Terrace culture

'Residents are proud of their efforts, and the prize is an added bonus'
3/24/2023  - Deron Hamel

Back in December, the residents of Twin Lakes Terrace were engaged in a colouring contest that was judged by other residents, team members and visitors at the Sarnia long-term care community.

Little did anyone know at the time this would spark many more contests that are becoming part of the Twin Lakes Terrace culture.

When the first contest was held before Christmas, many residents were eager to participate, says Twin Lakes Terrace life enrichment manager Tara Klompstra.

Residents created artwork that was hung on a wall at the home. Passersby were encouraged to drop a ballot naming their favourite piece into the provided box. Winners were eligible to receive items from the home's gift shop.

“Residents were seen checking the voting box daily, admiring each others' artwork on the wall, and anxiously awaiting the winners' announcement,” Tara tells S&R Today

Eleven residents entered the first contest and 67 votes were cast. The winners were Yvonne Gray and Doris Withenshaw, who each received 20 votes.

“I couldn't believe I won; I was shocked,” Yvonne says, adding the secret to her success. “I took my time and put a lot of effort into it.”

Doris was also happy with her win.

“Hooray for me, I wanted to win that contest and I did,” she says, adding she checked the votes every day.

Since then, residents have had the opportunity to participate in a St. Patrick's Day contest as well as a Valentine's Day “eye spy contest” won by resident Nelson Steele.

“The smile on his face lit up the room when he heard he had won,” noted one life enrichment team member, adding Nelson said, “This made my day” as he received his gift certificate.

Tara says these contests have provided many benefits to residents.

“These activities allow residents an opportunity to do something on self-directed time or with the help of family, friends and staff,” she says.

“Residents are proud of their efforts, and the prize is an added bonus.”

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